Bio identical Hormone treatment Georgetown, TX - Balance Hormone Clinic

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels can become deficient, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Replacing deficient hormones with bioidentical versions helps restore optimal levels, alleviating deficiency symptoms.

Bioidentical hormones used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) are sourced from plant estrogens that are molecularly similar to human estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. This allows the body to recognize and properly metabolize them.

BHRT is customized to the unique hormonal needs of each patient by a trained hormone specialist. It helps both men and women find relief from deficiencies that adversely impact quality of life.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

There are many excellent reasons to consider BHRT to address hormone deficiencies:

Patients see improved well-being, reversed aging effects, enhanced quality of life and restored health with properly administered BHRT.

Our services

Get tested for hormone imbalances today!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step toward BHRT is getting tested for deficiencies. SYZHormones offers state-of-the-art diagnosis and testing.

What tests are needed? Complete panels checking levels of estrogens, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, cortisol, Vitamin D, and more based on symptoms. Blood, saliva or urine samples may be used.

Why test hormones? Many deficiency symptoms overlap with other conditions. Testing helps pinpoint imbalances. We determine optimal levels based on age and gender since "normal" ranges are very wide.

Who needs testing? Adults experiencing low energy, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, low libido, erectile dysfunction, anxiety, depression, weight gain, loss of strength, mental fogginess, or other unexplained symptoms may have hormonal imbalances.

Testing provides objective data to create customized BHRT plans. SYZHormones offers comprehensive panels along with thorough medical history reviews to best meet patients' unique needs.

Balance Hormone Clinic Advantages

Choosing the right clinic is vital for successful BHRT outcomes. Balance Hormone Clinic has considerable advantages:

Patients benefit from our clinicians' specialized expertise in complex age-related hormone issues combined with our whole-person wellness philosophy.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones derived from plants can provide similar benefits to conventional hormone therapy, while potentially avoiding risks like blood clots. Yet, customized combinations and dosing lack large studies on long-term safety. More research is needed to fully understand the nuances of this alternative approach.

Bioidentical Hormones We Offer

Balance Hormone Clinic provides cutting-edge BHRT programs using a wide range of bioidentical hormones in various strengths and delivery methods:


- Biest (mix of estradiol/estriol) creams, troches, shots - Estriol creams, suppositories - Estradiol pills, patches, creams, injections


- Progesterone creams, capsules, troches


- Testosterone creams, gels, injections, pellets - DHEA capsules


- T3/T4 medications


- Hydrocortisone creams, tablets

We offer both standardized and custom-compounded bioidentical hormones tailored to each patient's needs along with careful follow-up monitoring to ensure optimal results.

Get tested for hormone imbalances today.

Importance of Timely Treatment

Age-related hormone decline is a natural process, leading to disadvantages like lost vitality and increased disease risks. However, balancing hormones proactively can help turn back the clock.

"Isn't hormone therapy unsafe?" When properly administered under medical supervision, risks are very low compared to benefits. Careful balancing based on testing and monitoring ensures safety.

"I feel fine - do I really need it?" Deficiencies start gradually. Many write off early subtle symptoms until more disruptive ones appear. Identifying imbalances early and addressing them proactively promotes sustained health.

"Aren't synthetic hormones just as good?" Bioidentical plant-based hormones are far more compatible with the body than harsh synthetic versions with increased risks of complications.

We encourage being proactive to maximize vitality. Our goal is restoring patients to optimal wellness through expert diagnosis and treatment of hormone deficiencies. Timing matters, so schedule testing if symptoms suggest imbalances.

Balance Hormone Clinic' Holistic Approach

We understand the intricate mind-body connection. Our treatment philosophy acknowledges lifestyle, environment, genetics and stress influence hormone balance and overall well-being.

We offer comprehensive guidance on nutrition, exercise, stress relief and other areas to complement BHRT:

Our lifestyle recommendations enhance BHRT effectiveness for more robust and sustained benefits. We help patients implement positive changes during and after treatment.

Useful Local Wellness Resources

We have cultivated relationships with excellent local practitioners to whom we gladly refer patients needing additional support:

In Conclusion

We invite you to explore bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) at Balance Hormone Clinic to help resolve deficiency symptoms for increased zest for living.

Our experienced clinicians specialize in age-related hormone balance issues. We offer thorough testing, customized treatment plans using a wide range of bioidentical hormones, and lifestyle guidance for optimal outcomes.

Contact us today to discuss your symptoms. We will partner with you on the path toward restored wellness!

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